What is wine?

In the simplest of terms, wine is fermented grape juice.  In reality, it’s so much more.

It’s the earth and rain.

It’s a sacrament.

It’s the sun, the reflection of the earth’s mood on any given year.

It elevates celebration.

It’s the child of the relationship between man and the earth beneath his feet.

It’s geology, it’s Pelé in the form of volcanic soils, it’s the fingerprint of plate tectonics.

It’s the memory of the ocean, where it no longer flows.

It’s an expression of love.

It’s the history of human civilization.

It’s about where men traveled over the millennia.

It’s a sunburn and mud on the boots and dirt under fingernails.

It’s purple-stained teeth, fingers, shirts, tablecloths.

It’s an active study in evolution (every bottle…)

It memorializes tense alliances, it blesses marriages.

Wine has the capacity to be transcendent, but only in concert with each person, one-on-one.

Perhaps most of all, wine is the heart and soul of everyone who touches those vines, poured into a bottle to be shared by whoever embraces it.




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